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Pet Memorials

Our pets. They Share in our joy and excitement. They are with us in times of disappointment and sadness.. They give us companionship, love, and so much more. They are, in a very real sense, an important part of our family... and our lives.

"I want to do something Special..."

It's well known that the death of a beloved pet can sadden us just as much as the death of a person. That's why many people wish to commemorate their pets with dignity, and with love. But until now, there just weren't

"How can I arrange this service?"

East Lawrence Memorial Gardens, Moulton, al, alabama, cemetery, burial, bury, pet memorial, burial, decatur

many choices available. At East Lawrence Memorial Gardens Pet Cemetery, we offer a place for the pets who have trusted us all their lives. It's the most dignified, loving way to remember them, and to say goodbye.

Located within the grounds of East Lawrence Memorial Gardens is a special place just for your pets. When you want a way to pay tribute, you can select from a variety of caskets, vaults and memorials.

The cherished Memorial Pet Garden is upheld to the same standards as our grounds for humans. That means you have the assurance that the grounds will be beautifully maintained through a special Endowment Care Fund, and this will be a permanent resting place for your pet.

Our pet cemetery allows you to honor the love your pet has given all their life.

"He deserves the best..."

We know how sorrowing it can be to lose a beloved family companion. Our special pet service is very affordable. There are many affordable options to give your pet the very pest you can give. 

Please call us for a tour of our grounds.

We are offering the following services:

  • Monuments and Headstones of the finest granite available

  • Wide variety of casket

  • Pick-up service available. We will call for your pet or you may bring them to us.

Midway Memorial Gardens
3740 County Road 434 

Moulton, AL 35650

Phone: (256) 974-9449

Fax: (256) 974-9440

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